Ph.D. Candidate
Mila, Université de Montréal
I am currently working as an analytics engineer at Padam Mobility, a software company enabling demand responsive public transport throughout the globe.
In my Ph.D. I explored ideas ranging from causality to physics and optimization, with the general purpose of making deep learning more robust. I was lucky to benefit from the supervision of Simon Lacoste-Julien and Yoshua Bengio. I also got the opportunity to work on these topics at Facebook AI Research with Léon Bottou. I enjoy science, especially when it relies on beautiful mathematics or when it is made accessible with appropriate illustrations, and I am striving to make this true in my own research. You can find my full list of publications on Google Scholar.
Short bio: I grew up and studied in Paris area, most notably at Ecole Polytechnique (X2013) and M2 MVA , before starting my Ph.D. in 2018. Details in my resume. Whether in or out of research, I enjoy truthfully relating to my fellow human beings, which often takes the form of acroyoga, or non-violent communication.